Saturday 15 June 2013

Cameron to meet Putin ahead of G8

Source BBC News@

David Cameron and Vladimir PutinMr Cameron and Mr Putin will discuss the conflict in Syria

David Cameron is due to hold talks in London with Russian President Vladimir Putin - expected to focus on the Syria conflict - before the two leaders fly to Northern Ireland for the G8 summit.

Mr Putin has made no secret of his opposition to the US supplying the rebels with weapons.

Mr Cameron will also have a one-on-one meeting on Monday with US President Barack Obama before the G8 summit.

The summit is taking place at the resort of Lough Erne, County Fermanagh.

Differences over Syria have added to the already delicate state of UK-Russian relations.

Arms supplies

Russia, a long-time backer of the Syrian regime, has made it clear it is deeply sceptical about US, British and French claims that the Syrian military has used chemical weapons against the rebels.

The US said this had crossed a "red line" set down by Mr Obama.

Washington has talked about arming the Syrian opposition and Mr Cameron has insisted that more must be done to help them - but said the UK had taken no decision about arms.

Moscow could now go ahead with plans to provide sophisticated new air defences to the Syrian regime.

BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus said the two leaders may choose to focus on where they can agree.

This included the need for a political transition in Syria and preparations for an international conference in Geneva to get this process going.

Fierce fighting

But the chances of such a conference are looking bleaker by the day, said our correspondent.

He added that one of the tests of the G8 gathering would be to see if it can re-establish the hopes of a renewed political path out of Syria's escalating violence.

On the ground in Syria, there have been reports of the fiercest fighting in months in the country's largest city, Aleppo.

On Thursday, the UN said that two years of conflict had killed at least 93,000 people.

The G8 summit - a meeting of leaders of the world's foremost economic nations - takes place in County Fermanagh on Monday and Tuesday.

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the US and the UK will be represented.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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