Monday 1 July 2013

All schools to set own term dates

Source BBC News@

ClassroomAll schools will be able to vary the dates of terms

All state schools in England will be able to decide their own term dates, under plans for more school autonomy announced by the government.

This will extend a flexibility that is already available to academies.

Schools can already vary the shape of the school day, but from September 2015 they will be able to change the length of their terms.

The Department for Education said it was "heads and teachers who know their parents and pupils best".

Labour's education spokesman Stephen Twigg announced last month that a future Labour government would extend these academy flexibilities to all state schools.

It means that both the coalition government and opposition are pushing for greater powers to be devolved to individual schools.

Shorter summer holiday

The plans put forward in the Deregulation Bill would mean that schools that are not academies would not have to accept the term dates set by local authorities.

A majority of secondary schools are now academies, but most primary schools have not adopted academy status - so this would represent an extra level of flexibility for them.

They would still have to operate within a legal limit of a minimum of 190 school days each year.

The Department for Education gave examples of how this might be applied.

In Leeds, the David Young Community Academy has a year of seven shorter terms and holidays that are not longer than four weeks.

The Boulevard Academy in Hull is going to cut the summer holiday from six weeks to four weeks.

"It is right that all schools are free to set their own term dates in the interests of parents and pupils," said a spokesman for the Department for Education.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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