Tuesday 2 July 2013

Get stop and search right, says May

Source BBC News@ tienganhvui.com

Stop and- search in progressThe government's equality watchdog has said police are using stop and search powers less

The public will be consulted on changing how police in England and Wales use stop and search powers, the home secretary is due to announce.

About 1.2m stops were carried out in 2011-12 but only 9% led to an arrest.

Theresa May is set to say stop and search powers must be used more carefully to ensure people are not stopped because of their ethnicity.

Police must not waste time carrying out unnecessary stops and logging details afterwards, she is expected to add.

The home secretary's formal announcement is expected to be made on Tuesday afternoon.

Last month, the government's equality watchdog said police were using stop and search powers less, without compromising crime reduction.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) also found that four of the five forces it studied had reduced targeting of minority groups.

It said its report showed "clear evidence that where forces use an approach based on evidence rather than hunches or generalisations, they have not only seen reductions in crimes rates in line with overall trends, but have also increased public confidence in the police".

The five forces covered by the report were Dorset Police, Leicestershire Constabulary, Thames Valley Police, West Midlands Police and the Metropolitan Police.

A report by EHRC back in 2010 had suggested black people were six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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