Friday 16 August 2013

Egypt protesters besieged in mosque

Source BBC News@

Security forces tried to gain access to the mosque, where there are hundreds of Morsi supporters

Egyptian security forces are besieging a Cairo mosque where hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters have spent the night barricaded inside.

The tense stand-off follows a day of bloody clashes on Friday in which more than 80 people died.

Egypt is in turmoil after protest camps in Cairo were cleared on Wednesday with the loss of hundreds of lives.

The Brotherhood, which backs deposed President Mohammed Morsi, has called for a week of daily rallies.

Meanwhile, Egypt's interim officials say more than 1,000 Islamists were arrested on Friday, the AFP news agency reports.

"The number of Muslim Brotherhood elements arrested reached 1,004," the interior ministry said in a statement early on Saturday.

The ministry said 558 of the arrests took place in Cairo.

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Bullets and pellets pinging into buildings above heads of BBC team and demonstrators, so pulled back”

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On Saturday, police were besieging the al-Fath mosque in Cairo's Ramses Square where Morsi supporters were holed up.

Police reportedly said women could leave the mosque but men would be held for questioning - an offer rejected by those inside.

Ramses Square was a focal point of Friday's clashes and the mosque was quickly filled with the dead and injured - as well as those fleeing the violence.

Witnesses said nearly 1,000 people were trapped inside.

One woman inside the mosque told AFP that "thugs" had tried to storm the building but the men barricaded the doors. It was not clear who the "thugs" she referred to were.

Security officials quoted by the official Mena news agency said "armed elements" had opened fire from inside the mosque.

Crisis timeline

  • 3 Jul: President Mohammed Morsi deposed by military after mass protests

  • 4 Jul: Pro-Morsi protesters gather at the Rabaa al-Adawiya and Nahda sites in Cairo

  • 27 Jul: More than 70 people killed in clashes with security forces at Rabaa al-Adawiya

  • 14 Aug: Security forces break up both camps, leaving at least 638 people dead

The Muslim Brotherhood has been on the streets since the army deposed Mr Morsi - Egypt's first democratically elected president - last month and installed an interim government.

On Wednesday at least 638 people died when the Brotherhood's two protest camps in Cairo were cleared, a move that sparked international condemnation.

Friday's protests - dubbed a "day of anger" - were called in response to Wednesday's bloodshed. Most of the latest deaths were in Cairo but about 25 were elsewhere, including 12 in Nile Delta cities.

Egypt's interim leaders have imposed a state of emergency with dusk-to-dawn curfews in the capital and other areas. The interior ministry says police have been authorised to use live ammunition "within a legal framework".

Correspondents say the atmosphere in Cairo is tense, with many armoured personnel carriers deployed on the streets.

Morsi supporters in Abbassiya neighbourhood. 16 Aug 2013Muslim Brotherhood supporters are being urged to attend daily rallies

The army has blocked off all entrances to Tahrir Square - the focus of demonstrations that led to the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

Meanwhile, groups that support the army-backed interim government - the National Salvation Front and Tamarod - are calling for counter-demonstrations in response to the Muslim Brotherhood protests.

Friday's violence erupted shortly after midday prayers when thousands of Morsi supporters answered the Brotherhood's call for rallies across Egypt.

Witnesses said armed civilians were among those who clashed with protesters, while vigilantes set up roadblocks in some areas to stop Brotherhood supporters getting through.

Elsewhere in Egypt, at least five people were killed in the second city of Alexandria, six in Suez, eight in Damietta and five in Fayoum, according to medical sources.

Mr Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected president, was ousted by the military on 3 July.

He is now in custody, accused of murder over a 2011 jailbreak. His period of detention was extended by 30 days on Thursday, state media said.

map of Ramses Square

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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