Friday 16 August 2013

Richard III burial row goes to court

Source BBC News@

Richard IIIThe king's remains were found in a car park near Leicester Cathedral

Distant relatives of Richard III have been granted permission for a judicial review of the decision to rebury the king's remains in Leicester.

The Plantagenet Alliance launched a legal challenge to the decision made by the Ministry of Justice in May.

The group, which includes 15 of Richard III's relatives, wants his body to be buried in York, claiming it was King Richard's wish.

A date for the review, expected to take one day, has not been set.

Skeletal remains found beneath a car park in Leicester last year were confirmed as the king's by a team at the University of Leicester in February.

The licence to carry out the dig, issued by the Ministry of Justice, gave the authority to decide where to rebury the king to the university.

However, the Plantagenet Alliance want the licence to be overturned and the king to be laid to rest in York Minster.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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