Friday 16 August 2013

UK 'deep concern' at Egypt violence

Source BBC News@

Jeremy Bowen reports from a makeshift morgue in a mosque near Ramses Square

The British government has said it is "deeply concerned" about the violence in Egypt, on a day when least 60 people were killed in clashes in the country.

The UK Foreign Office said it deplored the further loss of life on Friday.

The Foreign Office is advising against all travel to North Sinai and all but essential travel to the rest of Egypt, with the exception of Red Sea resorts.

Protesters loyal to ousted President Mohammed Morsi have been involved in violent clashes with security forces.

Emergency meeting

A Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) spokesman said: "We remain deeply concerned about the situation in Egypt and deplore the further loss of life today. The UK continues to call for an end to violence and for a return to peaceful dialogue.

"FCO ministers remain actively engaged in support of these objectives with their regional and international counterparts. Earlier today the foreign secretary discussed the situation with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

"We will continue to work closely with our EU and international partners over the coming days in our ongoing efforts to help the Egyptian people achieve peace and a return to democratic processes."

The Foreign Office said the overall level of its travel advice remained unchanged and advised British nationals in Egypt or planning to travel to Egypt to regularly check the advice.

Earlier, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande called for an emergency meeting of European Union foreign ministers on Egypt.

In a telephone call, the two leaders said the EU needed to consider what it could do to persuade both sides to end the violence and speak to each other.

A Downing Street spokesman said: "They agreed that the EU should be clear and united in its message; the violence must end immediately and there needs to be a political dialogue, involving all sides, that leads to genuine democracy.

Crisis timeline

  • 3 Jul: President Mohammed Morsi deposed by military after mass protests

  • 4 Jul: Pro-Morsi protesters gather at the Rabaa al-Adawiya and Nahda sites in Cairo

  • 27 Jul: More than 70 people killed in clashes with security forces at Rabaa al-Adawiya

  • 14 Aug: Security forces break up both camps, leaving at least 638 people dead

"The prime minister and president said they wanted a meeting of EU foreign ministers to be called for next week.

"They should consider what measures the EU can take to make clear that the violence and repression is unacceptable and to best encourage leaders from all sides to re-engage in dialogue and to chart a peaceful way forward for their country."

Mr Cameron also raised the issue of Egypt with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso during a telephone call about the border situation between Gibraltar and Spain.

Daily rallies

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Conservative former Foreign Secretary, told the BBC that the Egyptian nation was "divided down the middle" and called for power sharing.

Pro-democracy protest outside the Egyptian embassy in LondonSupporters of former President Mohammed Morsi protested outside the Egyptian embassy in London

He said: "You think of Northern Ireland, for example, where at the end of the day everyone agreed you could not get peace by simply allowing whoever won the election to have total power; you had to have power sharing.

"It's not surprising that only a year after the end of the Mubarak regime people still haven't understood what's needed, even in a democratic system, even when you have free elections."

Supporters of Mr Morsi protested outside the Egyptian embassy in London on Friday.

Most of Friday's reported deaths in Egypt were in Cairo but about 25 were elsewhere including 12 in Nile Delta cities.

Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood said there would be a week of daily rallies across Egypt.

On Wednesday, protest camps were cleared leaving at least 638 people dead and sparking international condemnation.

Egypt's interior ministry said police had been authorised to use live ammunition "within a legal framework".

A state of emergency is also in force, including a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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