Wednesday 4 September 2013

British soldier 'shot Iraqi bodies'

Source BBC News@

The claims followed a major gun battle near Majar al-Kabir in southern IraqThe claims followed a major gun battle near Majar al-Kabir in southern Iraq

A "very angry" sergeant fired bullets into the bodies of Iraqis who were still "twitching" after a gun battle, the Al-Sweady inquiry has heard.

Ex-army private Duncan Aston also said he saw a soldier stamp on the head of a dead Iraqi and others attack detainees.

He did not report the incidents because he did not want to "grass", he said.

The inquiry is examining claims, denied by the Ministry of Defence, that UK troops mistreated and killed detainees after the 2004 "Battle of Danny Boy".

It seeks to identify the events surrounding the deaths of more than 20 Iraqi men and is concerned with a battle during the Iraq war which is named after a British checkpoint near the town of Majar al-Kabir in southern Iraq.

Lawyers acting for several Iraqi clients claim some were taken alive and mistreated or unlawfully killed at Camp Abu Naji and Shaibah Logistics Base

Mr Aston said he was sent from nearby Camp Condor to the aftermath of the clash, which began when a British "rover" group was set upon as it travelled to Camp Abu Naji.

He said he was collecting weapons from dead Iraqis when he noticed two were "twitching".

"At the time, I assumed that, because they were twitching, this meant that there must be some life there," he said.

They appeared to be "somewhere between life and death" but looked beyond the help of medical attention, he added.

He said he then saw his platoon sergeant, Paul Kelly, approach "looking very angry".

His sergeant tried to fire at one of the men but his weapon did not work and "he then threw his rifle to the ground and said words to the effect of 'give me your weapon'," Mr Aston added.

"He put a full magazine of bullets into both bodies that had been twitching but he also fired into the bodies of the other dead gunmen in the ditch," he said.

"The bodies of the two twitching gunmen stopped twitching - there was no other reaction from the bodies.

"They did not make any other noise, they just stopped twitching."

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