Wednesday 25 September 2013

Duggan 'should not have been shot'

Source BBC News@

Mark DugganMark Duggan was shot dead in Tottenham in August 2011, sparking riots that spread across England

Mark Duggan "may not have been an angel" but he should not have been shot dead by police, his mother has said.

Pamela Duggan sobbed as her statement was read at an inquest into her son's death.

Mr Duggan, 29, was shot by police in Tottenham, north London. His death sparked riots in London which later spread across England.

Ms Duggan said his death in 2011 was the "final straw" for his father Bruno, who died from cancer last year.

She said her son was "shy" and "beautiful" but his behaviour worsened at secondary school.

He moved away to live with an aunt in Manchester but returned to Tottehnam when he was 17 a "well balanced" man, the hearing was told.

She said: "No mother deserves to bury her child.

"Mark may not have been an angel but he should not have died the way he did."

'Confrontational and violent'

In the statement she said she hoped the inquest would find out why, if he had done anything wrong, he was killed and not arrested.

The hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in Westminster was told Mr Duggan shot someone in the leg at a party and was involved in supplying firearms.

Det Ch Insp Mick Foote told the inquest that police intelligence in June 2011 suggested Mr Duggan was "confrontational and violent" and that he was a senior member of Tottenham gang TMD.

During questioning, Det Ch Insp Foote said the gang moved guns "from address to address", adding: "These people have ready access to firearms.

The inquest continues.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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