Sunday 1 September 2013

English and maths studied to 18

Source BBC News@

pupil studyingAs pupils return for the new school year a tougher requirement for English and maths is being introduced

Teenagers who fail to score a decent grade in English and maths GCSEs will have to continue studying the subjects, the government has announced.

Under the reforms, 16-year-olds who have not achieved at least a C grade or better will now be required to keep studying them up to the age of 18.

The aim is to make youngsters more employable.

Education Secretary Michael Gove said these were the subjects "employers demand before all others".

As pupils return this week for the new school year a tougher requirement for English and maths is being introduced.

Until now pupils have been able to drop both subjects at the age of 16 without having gained a qualification in them.

Many would never study these subjects again, prompting concerns from employers that too many young people lack skills necessary for work.

Last year, there were more than a quarter of a million 19-year-olds without a C grade in English and maths.

The intention is for teenagers who missed C grades to re-take GCSEs in maths and English, but there will also be an option to take other types of maths and English lessons.

The importance of developing basic skills beyond the age of 16 was emphasised by Professor Alison Wolf in her report on improving vocational education for 14 to 19-year-olds.

She found that too many vocational qualifications lacked value for employers and too many youngsters were entering adult life without adequate skills in literacy and numeracy.

"Good English and maths grades are fundamental to young people's employment and education prospects," she said.

"Individuals with very low literacy and numeracy are severely disadvantaged in the labour market."

Speaking after the announcement, Prof Wolf welcomed the implementation of her proposals.

“Every other country in the developed world concentrates on improving the language and maths skills of its post-16 students, and so should England. Recognising the central place of English and maths skills in society is long overdue.”

But Labour’s shadow education secretary, Stephen Twigg, said more urgent action was needed.

"In 2012 Labour set out ambitious plans for all children to study English and maths to 18.

“A whole wasted year later and the government have only got half way there. This isn't good enough. [Prime Minister] David Cameron needs to listen to employers - they want all young people to continue building these key skills to 18."

Education Secretary Michael Gove said: “Good qualifications in English and maths are what employers demand before all others.

They are, quite simply, the most important vocational skills a young person can have. Young people must be able to demonstrate their understanding of these subjects.”

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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