Thursday 5 September 2013

Ex-BBC chief Thompson accuses Trust

Source BBC News@

A former BBC director general has accused the BBC Trust, which represents licence fee payers' interests, of misleading parliament about excessive pay-offs to senior executives.

Mark Thompson says he has emails which show that trust members, including the chairman Lord Patten and a senior BBC boss, approved the payments.

The BBC has been criticised for paying £2m more than contracts necessitated.

The BBC Trust denies Lord Patten and the other trust member misled MPs.

In a letter to MPs investigating the issue, Mr Thompson says statements by the trust's chairman were inaccurate, information was kept from the National Audit Office and the head of human resources misled MPs over her involvement.

The 13,000-word document came in response to allegations made in July before MPs that he had not been open with the trust about pay-offs to two senior executives.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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