Friday 6 September 2013

PM: Don't leave Syria decision to UN

Source BBC News@

David Cameron speaking in St PetersburgMr Cameron said the evidence of President Assad's culpability in the attack was "overwhelming"

Relying on the UN to act over Syria would be tantamount to "contracting out foreign policy and morality" to a Russian veto, David Cameron has said.

Speaking at the G20 summit in St Petersburg, the prime minister said the international community could not be hamstrung by a likely Russian veto.

Countries supporting intervention had "far the better of the argument" in discussions, Mr Cameron added.

But Vladimir Putin said more than half were opposed to any military action.

Little progress was made on Syria at the two-day summit, although the UK said agreement had been reached on increasing access for humanitarian aid and medical assistance.

'Taking a stand'

The prime minister said he continued to press for a tough response to the "taboo" of chemical weapons - adding that the case they had been used by the Assad government was "overwhelming".

He said he backed US President Barack Obama's view that this was a "red line" and, although the UK will not take part in any military action following last week's vote in Parliament, he was "convinced" that the US would be able to build a coalition for action.

Russia's President Putin has said military intervention would only be justified if authorised by the UN Security Council.

But Mr Cameron said it would be "misguided" for Britain and others to place itself in such a situation as it would mean "contracting out its morality and foreign policy to the potential of a Russian veto".

"This summit was never going to reach agreement on what action is needed on Syria," he told reporters.

"But the case made by those countries who believe we have to take a stand against the use of chemical weapons was, I believe, extremely powerful.

"President Obama has set out that case again at this summit and I will support his efforts to build international support for upholding the international taboo against the use of chemical weapons."

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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