Tuesday 3 September 2013

Screen to stop 'Walkie-Talkie' rays

Source BBC News@ tienganhvui.com

'Walkie talkie' sunscraperDevelopers said the effect was caused by the current elevation of the sun in the sky

Business owners have blamed the "Walkie Talkie" skyscraper for starting fires and causing damage by reflecting the sun's rays.

The 37-storey building in the City of London is said to have not only melted parts of a Jaguar, but also blistered paintwork and caused tiles to fall.

Doctor Simon Foster from the Institute of Physics said he measured the heat at 92.6F (34C).

Developers said they were "looking into the matter as a priority".

The £200m building on 20 Fenchurch Street, which has been nicknamed the "Walkie Talkie" because of its shape, is currently under construction.

'Walkie Scorchie'

Ali Akay, of nearby Re Style barber's, said the position of the sun at a certain time of the day caused a searing bolt of sunlight to start a small fire and burn a hole in his company doormat.

"We were working and just saw the smoke coming out of the carpet. We tried to cut the fire down, there were customers in at the time and they were obviously not happy," he said.

"Customers are not going to come in if there is a fire in the front of the door."

Mr Akay, 22, said they had spoken to the managers of 20 Fenchurch Street to find a solution.

"It is getting really serious. This is a health and safety issue. They should have looked into this before they built it," he added.

Colleague Ayca Juma, 29, said: "It's the Walkie Scorchie. That's what caused this."

Melted JaguarMr Lindsay said his car's wing mirror, panels and Jaguar badge had melted

'Bobbling paint'

Next door at the Viet Cafe, Diana Pham, 25, said they had suffered similar problems.

"Yesterday it was very hot so there was a concentration of light here.

"We thought something was burning in the restaurant but it wasn't, we searched everywhere. Then a customer came in and showed us," she said.

News organisations near the 'walkie talkie' sunscraper The issue has caused a lot of media attention

"A tile suddenly broke, the paint has bobbled too.

"This is a problem...it can be dangerous for people. But I don't know what they (the developers) can do about it."

On Monday, Martin Lindsay who had parked his Jaguar on Eastcheap, told BBC London that the reflected rays had melted his car's wing mirror, panels and Jaguar badge.

Developers Land Securities and Canary Wharf said they had closed three parking bays in the area which may be affected.

A joint statement said: "The phenomenon is caused by the current elevation of the sun in the sky.

"It currently lasts for approximately two hours per day, with initial modelling suggesting that it will be present for approximately two to three weeks.

"As responsible developers we are making every effort to keep local businesses informed and we have communicated with them regularly since the issue first appeared."

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Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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