Monday 9 September 2013

Shop vacancy rate 'stubbornly high'

Source BBC News@


High Street vacancies remain "stubbornly high" according to a report from the Local Data Company.

Its data for Britain shows that the average vacancy rate in the top 650 centres is 14.1%, down just slightly from the previous reading of 14.2% taken in February.

Wales has the highest national vacancy rate, at an average of 17.5%, Scotland hit 14.9% and England 14.0%.

Of the large centres Blackburn has the highest vacancy rate of 26.9%.

Cambridge recorded the lowest proportion of empty shops at 7%.

"This report clearly shows that whilst the rise of empty shops has stalled it still remains stubbornly high for many towns up and down the country," said Matthew Hopkinson, director at the Local Data Company.

"Since August 2010 the national average has been above 14%, with a significant number being 'long term sick' with little or no prospect of reoccupation as shops," he added.

Many shops are being converted to leisure use, including restaurants, bars and cafes.

The report says that more than 500 new leisure units were created in the first half of the year.

In England there remains a strong divide between north and south.

London is the best performing region with a vacancy rate of 9.4%.

The North-West has the highest vacancy rate of 20.1%

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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