Wednesday 4 September 2013

Site chosen for £250m super prison

Source BBC News@

Breaking news

The location for north Wales' new super prison has been announced by the Ministry of Justice.

Welsh government-owned former Firestone site on the Wrexham Industrial Estate will be where the £250m jail will be built, creating 1,000 jobs.

Two sites were shortlisted for the new jail which will house the 2,000 inmates but the owners of one of them last week said it was out of the running.

The jail is should be built by 2017 and worth £23m a year to the local economy.

Secretary of State for Justice Chris Grayling said: "I can today announce that, following the assessment of several site options and subject to local planning approval, the new prison will be built on the former Firestone site in Wrexham.

"Work will begin on-site next summer with the prison fully operational by late 2017.

"The new prison will provide up to 1,000 much-needed jobs, great opportunities for local businesses and millions of pounds worth of construction opportunities.

"It also provides north Wales with its first ever prison, offering an opportunity for offenders from the region to be closer to their homes."

The jail would be Category C, for inmates who cannot be trusted in open conditions but who do not have the resources and will to make a determined escape attempt.

Locations in London and north west England, including Cumbria, were also in the running for a jail.

But Wrexham's campaign to host the prison with the backing of other local councils in the region, paid off in June when the town was chosen.

Two potential sites were identified at Kingmoor Park and the former Firestone rubber factory site, both on Wrexham Industrial Estate, which already provides work for 10,000 people.

But the owners of Kingmoor Park said in August they have optioned a large section of its land to Wrexham Power, which hopes to build an £800m gas-fired power station.

It left the former Firestone site as the only other option for the prison.

The Welsh government said the 108-acre former Firestone site - supported by First Minister Carwyn Jones - was acquired by the then Welsh Development Agency in 1994 and was prepared for development shortly after.

It has been on the market for employment use "for a number of years".

It is not the first time a prison for north Wales has been considered but the Ministry of Justice dropped plans for a jail in Caernarfon in 2009.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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