Friday 20 September 2013

Syria 'submits chemical arms data'

Source BBC News@

Breaking news

The chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW, says Syria has begun sending details of its arsenal as part of a US-Russia brokered deal to make it safe.

The Hague-based organisation added that it expected more details from Syria in the coming days and had postponed a meeting planned for Sunday.

Syria was given a deadline of Saturday to provide a list of its chemical arms.

The US had threatened military action over a chemical attack in Damascus last month, which the UN called a war crime.

The US, UK and France have accused Syrian government forces of carrying out the attack, but President Bashar al-Assad has blamed rebel groups.

A spokesman for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) told Reuters news agency on Friday: "We have received part of the verification and we expect more."

A UN diplomat confirmed to the news agency that details had been submitted, adding: "It's quite long... and being translated."

The US-Russia-brokered deal aims to destroy Syria's chemical weapons by mid-2014.

The core members of the OPCW are expected to vote on the timetable next week.

However, the OPCW said in a statement on Friday that a meeting of its executive council scheduled for Sunday had been postponed, without giving a reason.

"We will announce the new date and time... as soon as possible," it said.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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