Thursday 5 September 2013

UK 'has new Syria chemical evidence'

Source BBC News@

David CameronDavid Cameron is welcomed to St Petersburg by Vladimir Putin

David Cameron has arrived in Russia for the G20 summit of world leaders amid claims he has "no hand" to play over Syria.

The prime minister has ruled out any UK involvement in military action after MPs voted to reject it last week.

He has promised to push for a fresh round of peace talks and more aid for refugees.

But former Defence Secretary Liam Fox said the Commons defeat had left the PM "sidelined".

The Conservative MP said Mr Cameron had been "sent into negotiations on Syria with no hand to play and that was bad for the UK".

Speaking on the BBC's Daily Politics programme, he said the vote had "given pause for thought amongst our allies about the deliverability of any promise that future prime ministers might make".

'Diplomatic muscle'

He added that Parliament needed to reflect on how the events of last week had been interpreted internationally.

Syria is not officially on the G20 agenda in St Petersburg, which is meant to be about global economic recovery, but it is expected to dominate informal meetings.

US President Barack Obama has begun informal talks with other leaders as he pushes for military action over Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that military action without UN approval would be "an aggression".

The Damascus government is accused of using chemical weapons against civilians on several occasions during the 30-month conflict - most recently on a large scale in an attack on 21 August on the outskirts of the capital.

The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has denied involvement and said the rebels were responsible.

Mr Cameron, who had been at the forefront of international calls for "limited" military strikes to deter further chemical attacks, has promised to use all of Britain's diplomatic "muscle" to push for a second peace conference in Geneva.

And he said Britain, which is already the second biggest aid donor to Syria, would step up its commitment to help the hundreds of thousands of Syrians displaced by the conflict.

The prime minister told the BBC it was "the worst refugee crisis of this century".

He called for aid agencies to receive more funding and for pressure to be put "on both sides in the conflict to improve access so aid workers can get to those who most need help".

Former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell said: "If the G20 does not agree about military action against the Assad regime, it can surely unite around a determined effort to improve humanitarian relief.

"The summit would be a qualified success if it could agree to do everything possible to achieve a ceasefire so that the humanitarian effort can proceed unhindered.

"David Cameron should make this a priority."

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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