Friday 20 September 2013

UKIP's Bloom in TV clash over 'joke'

Source BBC News@

UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom: "I made a joke and said oh well you're all sluts and everybody laughed including all the women"

A UKIP politician is facing calls to consider his future after referring to a group of women as "sluts".

Godfrey Bloom used the word while addressing a "women in politics" event at the party's conference.

After being challenged about the comments, he said they had been a joke and that members of the audience had laughed.

UKIP's Diane James said the language was "unacceptable" while party leader Nigel Farage said it was inappropriate.

Mr Bloom was later filmed hitting a Channel 4 News reporter over the head with a party leaflet.

In a fringe meeting at the party's annual conference in London, the Yorkshire and Humber MEP made reference to previous comments he had made about women not cleaning behind the fridge.

When the women at the meeting said they had never cleaned behind their fridges, he said: "This place is full of sluts."

'Behind the fridge'

He was appearing on a panel with three female UKIP activists.

Confronted afterwards about his remarks, Mr Bloom said: "All the girls said, 'None of us clean behind the back of the fridge' and I made a joke and said this place is full of sluts."

He emphasised it was a joke and said all the women present had "laughed".

The Yorkshire and Humber MEP provoked controversy last month when he talked about British foreign aid going to "bongo-bongo land" - a reference to third world countries.

Asked about the latest furore, Ms James - one of the most senior female figures in the party - said the language was "demeaning" but "did not reflect the views" of most UKIP members.

Mr Farage said he needed to establish what had been said before taking action but that if the remarks were accurate, it was "wholly and highly inappropriate".

He added: "There comes a point where people cross too far over a line."

Mr Bloom, who is due to give a speech on defence policy later, was also asked by Channel 4 journalist Michael Crick why there were no non-white faces on a campaign flyer.

He responded by accusing the journalist of being "racist".

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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