Tuesday 24 September 2013

Universities test 13 degree grades

Source BBC News@ tienganhvui.com

GraduatesUniversities are going to test more precise ways of recording students' achievements

More than 20 UK universities are to test a different way of grading degrees, using 13 levels from A+ to F, based on average point scores.

The current top classification of a first class degree would be broken down into three levels, A+, A and A-.

In the pilot project, these extra levels would run alongside students' traditional degree grades.

This is part of a long-term scheme to develop a way to distinguish between students with similar degree levels.

The project, run by the Higher Education Academy, is inviting 20 to 25 universities to test a more precise way of recording students' achievements.

Precise measure

The universities taking part in the research project, which will run this year, have not yet been identified.

Students would have a score based on an average of marks from their course, a so-called grade point average.

This would be converted into a grade, with three different levels for first class and upper and lower second class degrees. Under this system, an upper second class degree, a 2:1, would be either a B+, B or B-.

A third class degree would be a D+ and D. And a fail would either be a D- for a marginal fail and an F for a more emphatic failure.

There have been long-standing calls for degree classifications to provide more information. When so many students get an upper second degree, there have been claims that it is difficult for employers to distinguish between applicants.

Using a grade average would allow students to have a more precise measure of how they compare.

This would also reflect the level of achievement across the full length of a degree course.

There have been other attempts to give more information about students. The higher education achievement record provides a transcript that includes extra-curricular involvement, as well as more detailed academic results, such as scores from individual course units.

The Higher Education Academy advisory group running the project is chaired by the vice-chancellor of the University of Leicester, Sir Bob Burgess.

The findings of research into the pilot project are expected to be available next autumn.

"This is a hugely important project which will provide evidence to inform a full debate about degree classification and the possibility of a uniform grade point average system in the UK," said Sir Bob.

"It's a debate for students, universities, employers and the public. It is also an opportunity to examine how universities enable students to receive the most effective assessment and feedback on their work - which time and time again they reflect through satisfaction surveys as one of the most highly valued expectations of their time at university."

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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