Saturday 27 July 2013

Spain train victim family's shock

Source BBC News@

Mark Woodward led away from the crash by emergency workersInjured Mark Woodward was led away from the crash by emergency workers

The stepfather of the only Briton injured in Wednesday's Spanish train crash has told of his shock at seeing photos of him being led from the wreck.

Mark Woodward, originally from Mansfield, Notts, is in hospital with a broken pelvis and ribs and has had his spleen removed, Robert Spencer said.

A friend who visited the hospital earlier said he had a "very, very bad" night, Mr Spencer told the BBC.

The 38-year-old survived when the train derailed, killing 78 people.

'Tubes everywhere'

Mr Woodward, who moved to Galicia with his Spanish wife several years ago, his stepfather said.

Mr Spencer said he was "just glad" the couple's young child had not been on the train.

He said he had seen pictures of his stepson being carried from the wreckage "like a footballer coming of the field".

"It was a shocking thing to see," he said. "There was blood all over them, a huge gash on his stomach and his head had been really bashed about."

Mark Woodward at WembleyMansfield Town fan Mark Woodward now lives in Spain

He added that his stepson had been injured when he was thrown forwards over the seat in front, hitting his head.

Talking about Mr Woodward's mother who has visited the hospital, he said: "She's an experienced nurse, so she's seen worse - she says. But she's not seen her son in that situation."

She told him Mark had "tubes everywhere" and his head was "bandaged up all over".

Driver arrested

Mr Woodward was taken into intensive care after being rescued from the crash earlier this week - one of the worst in Spanish rail history.

The driver of the train is being held under armed guard suspected of negligent homicide.

Jose Garzon Amo is under arrest but refusing to answer questions, Spanish officials have said.

The Spanish interior minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz told reporters there was "rational evidence" to believe the driver was responsible.

Reports suggested the Madrid to Ferrol train was travelling at twice the speed limit when it derailed approaching Santiago de Compostela.

Almost 170 people were injured, 32 of them seriously - including children.

Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, declared three days of national mourning after the incident.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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