LIVE: Sentencing of Ariel Castro
A sentencing hearing has begun for a former school bus driver from Ohio who imprisoned three women in his home, subjecting them to years of abuse.
Ariel Castro faces life in prison plus 1,000 years. He is expected to address the court.
On the eve of the hearing, a prosecutor said the 53-year-old "admits his disgusting and inhuman conduct", but "remains remorseless".
His double life was exposed in May after one of the women escaped.
'Dreams of escape'
On Wednesday night, Castro's sister, Marisol Alicea, told CNN that the sentencing would show "the other side of Ariel Castro... not the monster that everyone thinks he is".
However, she said she was not trying to defend his conduct.
Last month, the three women thanked their supporters
In a sentencing memorandum filed on Wednesday, prosecutor Tim McGinty shed further light on the ordeal suffered by the three women: Michelle Knight, 32, Amanda Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 23.
He said Castro had chained his captives by their ankles and fed them just one meal a day, while subjecting them to physical, sexual and psychological violence.
Castro also threatened to kill them and at one point locked all of them in a vehicle in his garage for three days while he had a visitor, said the prosecutor.
"The entries speak of forced sexual conduct, of being locked in a dark room, of anticipating the next session of abuse, of the dreams of someday escaping and being reunited with family, of being chained to a wall, of being held like a prisoner of war... of being treated like an animal," said the memorandum.
Promise of a puppy
Castro abducted the women between 2002-04.
According to Mr McGinty, he tricked one of the women into his Cleveland home with the promise of a puppy, and enticed another by inviting her to meet his daughter.
The house where the women were found will be demolished
Prosecutors will ask the judge to ban Castro from ever seeing his daughter, now six years old, whom he fathered with one of the captives.
Other details of the women's ordeals have already emerged.
Castro beat one victim each time she was pregnant until she miscarried five times.
He forced the same woman on threat of death to safely deliver the child he fathered with another victim on Christmas Day 2006.
He then raped the woman who had helped deliver his daughter.
Castro also garrotted one of the women with a vacuum cord after catching her trying to escape.
The judge said there were plans to demolish the house where the three were held. They were rescued after Ms Berry kicked open a door and alerted a neighbour.
Castro pleaded guilty last week under a plea deal to spare him the death penalty.
At that hearing, he told the judge he had been abused as a child, adding his mental health had been affected by an "addiction to pornography".
Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui
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