Monday, 12 August 2013

Man, 80, held by Yewtree police

Source BBC News@

Breaking news

An 80-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of sexual offences as part of the Operation Yewtree investigation into alleged historical abuse.

He was arrested at an address in south London and taken into custody, the Met Police said.

Operation Yewtree was set up in the wake of allegations against BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile.

The latest arrest falls under the strand of the investigation termed "Savile and others".

The as yet unnamed man is the 14th person to be arrested under Operation Yewtree, set up following the death of Savile in 2011, when hundreds of sex abuse allegations came to light.

Operation Yewtree has three strands - one is looking specifically at the actions of Savile, while the second strand concerns allegations against "Savile and others".

The third strand relates to alleged complaints against other people unconnected to the Savile investigation.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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