Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Olympic ceremony parachutist killed

Source BBC News@

Stuntmen as the Queen and James Bond at the London 2012 opening ceremonyThe stunt was one of the most memorable parts of the London 2012 opening ceremony

The stuntman who parachuted into the London 2012 opening ceremony as James Bond has been killed in an accident.

Briton Mark Sutton, 41, died during a wing-diving event near Martigny, Switzerland, on Wednesday.

Police said they did not yet know the cause of the accident which happened close to the French border.

Mr Sutton doubled for Daniel Craig's James Bond as he and another stuntman playing the Queen memorably entered the Olympic Stadium from a helicopter.

Wing-divers wear special suits that are designed to allow them to glide through the air, before a parachute is opened for landing.

Mr Sutton, a former army officer, is thought to have dived from a helicopter intending to land at a village just across the border in France.

But reports say the stunt man hit a ridge of rock, suffering fatal injuries.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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