Sunday 1 September 2013

US 'has evidence of Syrian sarin use'

Source BBC News@

Mr Obama said the US could not turn a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons

The Syrian government says it is "still prepared" for any attack after US President Barack Obama's decision to delay action until a vote in Congress.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad called the move "a political and media manoeuvre".

The Syrian opposition said it was a "failure of leadership" by the US.

Syrian government forces resumed shelling of opposition-held parts of Damascus as Mr Obama finished speaking about the crisis on Saturday.

The chairman of the Syrian parliament's national security committee Ibrahim Mahmoud told the BBC that "our allies have offered their full assistance but we need no one to fight our battles".

The state-run Al-Thawra newspaper said Obama's decision was "the beginning of the historic American retreat".


Damascus has returned to the usual pattern of the civil war. there's the loud crack of outgoing shellfire aimed at rebel-held suburbs, mixed with the Muslim call to prayer and Christian Sunday services.

Many Damascenes were expecting an imminent American attack, so there is a sense of relief, as if the tension has been broken. But the tension is sure to rise again, as the day of the congressional vote in Washington comes closer.

State television is still putting out strongly nationalist messages. It shows pictures of rockets firing, soldiers marching and tanks rampaging across the desert.

'Necessary and appropriate'

The US says 1,429 people were killed in chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian army on 21 August.

Mr Obama had said that such attacks would be a "red line", prompting US intervention in Syria.

Syria denies that its army used chemical weapons.

On Saturday, Mr Obama said any action would be limited, ruling out a ground invasion, but he has sent the US Congress draft legislation seeking approval for the use of force as he "determines to be necessary and appropriate" to prevent the Syrian government from carrying out chemical weapons attacks.

Congress is due to reconvene on 9 September, meaning any military operation would not happen until then.

The BBC's Jeremy Bowen in the Syrian capital, Damascus, says there is some relief in the city among those who feared that US attacks could start this weekend.

He says the delay could give the government time to move some sensitive military equipment.

The shelling of opposition-held areas of the city late on Saturday was a possible act of defiance by the army, our correspondent adds.

The BBC's Jeremy Bowen, in Damascus: A week from now Syrians will be back to wondering whether the US is very close to striking

The opposition Syrian National Coalition (SNC) said President Obama's to delay any strikes in Syria could "embolden" the forces of President Assad.

In other developments:

  • Foreign ministers from the Arab League are to discuss Syria at a meeting in Cairo, amid deep splits on the issue

  • France says it will not launch any strike of its own before the vote in the US Congress

  • UN inspectors who have been investigating the attacks have arrived in the Netherlands with samples from site visits. They say the testing could take up to three weeks

Start Quote

Taking action that is unpopular... is not a strong position to be in. But it is sensible to make sure the responsibility for unpopular action is shared with other politicians”

End Quote

Senior White House officials told the BBC that Mr Obama's decision to seek congressional approval was made by the president on Friday afternoon. It had not been planned until then.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said the vote on the proposal would take place no later than the week of 9 September.

The president's decision to turn to Congress was seen as a direct reaction to the UK government's defeat in Parliament on supporting any military action in Syria if it were backed by evidence from UN inspectors.

After the White House announcement, UK Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: "I understand and support Barack Obama's position".

Mr Obama did not speak to Mr Cameron before his statement but did call President Hollande, the White House said.

France has also backed military action, and its parliament is due to reconvene on Wednesday for a debate.

BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner examines what is known about the 21 August attack

Opposition members have urged President Francois Hollande to seek a formal vote before joining Washington in any military operation, but correspondents say this is unlikely.

Also on Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged the US to present to the UN evidence that Syria had attacked rebels with chemical weapons.

Russia - a key ally of Syria - has previously warned that "unilateral military action bypassing the UN Security Council" would be a "direct violation of international law".

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said his country will defend itself against any Western "aggression".

Forces which could be used against Syria:

Syria map

Four US destroyers - USS Gravely, USS Ramage, USS Barry and USS Mahan - are in the eastern Mediterranean, equipped with cruise missiles. The missiles can also be fired from submarines, but the US Navy does not reveal their locations

Airbases at Incirlik and Izmir in Turkey, and in Jordan, could be used to carry out strikes

Two aircraft carriers - USS Nimitz and USS Harry S Truman are in the wider region

French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is currently in Toulon in the western Mediterranean

French Rafale and Mirage aircraft can also operate from Al-Dhahra airbase in the UAE

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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