Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Government loses work scheme appeal

Source BBC News@

Breaking news

The government has lost a Supreme Court appeal over a ruling its flagship "back to work" schemes were legally flawed.

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith failed in a bid to overturn an earlier ruling that regulations underpinning the schemes were invalid.

The case was brought by former Poundland worker Cait Reilly, who claimed that requiring her to work for nothing breached laws on forced labour.

David Cameron said they were an effective way of getting people work.

But critics have said they amounted to "slave labour" because they involved work without pay and cuts in jobseeker's allowance for those who failed to comply with the rules.

Five Supreme Court justices upheld a Court of Appeal decision which went against the government in February.

However, the Supreme Court ruled that regulations did not constitute forced or compulsory labour.

Ministers have brought in new rules allowing these unpaid schemes to continue while it appeals.

But the judges' decision could effectively prevent the government continuing with the programme in its current form.

Đăng ký: Tieng Anh Vui


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