Saturday, 30 September 2017

In the palm of your hand

Nguồn tin:

If you have someone in the palm of your hand, you control them and can get them to do exactly what you want.

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Sunday, 17 September 2017

Store up

Nguồn tin:
Keep or accumulate something to use later
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Tieng Anh Vui

Store up

Nguồn tin:
Do something that will probably cause problems later
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Tieng Anh Vui

Store up

Nguồn tin:
Memorise or commit something to memory for later use
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In store

Nguồn tin:

If you know what is in store for you, you know what will happen to you, usually in the near future.

(It can also be used in the negative)

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Mind the store

Nguồn tin:

If you mind the store, you take care of something while the person who is in-charge or responsible is away.

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Monday, 11 September 2017

Plug into

Nguồn tin:
Be involved with, get information about
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Tieng Anh Vui

Plug away

Nguồn tin:
Do something with determination despite any difficulties
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Tieng Anh Vui


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